Make Your Own Healing Wound Paste

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Healing Wound Paste


Mix together - 1 Tbsp. of each herb in powder form: comfrey root, slippery elm, myrrh, ½ Tbsp. bayberry root, and ¼ Tbsp. garlic


Store powder in a tightly covered jar. This is a perfect addition to your first aid kit.


When you have a wound, let it bleed a bit, that will help to clean it out. Don’t panic. Remember that facial wounds may bleed profusely. I usually will wash off the wound with running water and use colloidal silver on it to disinfect the wound. Then pour on a bit of the healing wound powder right into the wound and apply pressure to stop the bleeding. Sometimes I will add silver to the powder and apply the paste into the wound. Add more powder as needed and then bandage to keep clean.


The next day add more powder if you need to and put on a clean bandage, but do NOT clean out the wound again. Keep an eye on it, looking for infection. The wound will heal from the inside out. The powder will help to stop the bleeding, and act a bit like stitches to hold the wound together, allowing it to heal from the inside out. Never put the powder on an old or infected wound, as it may actually seal the infection inside the tissue causing a deeper problem. I have used this wound paste many times with my family and seen wonderful healing, many times leaving no scars.


Now is a good time to gather the things you might need for those summer activities with your family. Be prepared with your natural first aid kit!


Have a happy and safe summer!