A Personal Note From Lisa

Hello friends,


Well, now it has happened…Our “stay at home” order has been extended for another month. We all groan, take a deep breath, and dig in to find the strength to get through. Today, I want to share a few thoughts from a natural health perspective.


First, All classes are postponed until late May or June. The Annual Plant Sale in May is cancelled. After this is ALL OVER, I anticipate that we will want to get together, share our experiences, and learn how to take better care of ourselves and our families. So we will have the “Be Your Own Doctor” class series to look forward to in June. Check our website (www.healthylife-solutions.com) for exact dates and more information.


Next, I plan to BE OPEN, Tuesday – Saturday, 11-2 for as long as possible or until family needs arise. We will continue to offer curbside service, so you can get what you need with as little contact with others as possible.


So, What Do You Need?


Let me first express that nothing I share should be considered a claim to cure the coronavirus, or anything for that matter. I am NOT a doctor. I am sharing things with you that I have heard or read. The virus simply must run its course. All we can do is try to provide natural health support for ourselves and our families.

1.     Immune Support – I just got in a few bottles of Elderberry syrup (first come/first serve and limit one per customer). Other products to consider: Wellness Formula (chewable too), Echinacea WellnessVira-Bac-YST (great immune combo!), Astragalus, Olive Leaf, Oregano oil, Grapeseed extract, Vitamin C & D, and Zinc, to name a few.

2.     Sinus & Allergy Support – I love SinuCare (essential oil blend in a softgel). It clears the sinuses without over drying or raising blood pressure. Also ALJ, recently changed its name to Allergy Remedy, this contains Mullein, which I believe to be one of the BEST herbs we could be taking right now. I also have Quercetin & Nettles, both in Histablock, which is helpful to calm down inflammation. I also have Sinus Relief, which is a colloidal silver nose spray – I use this often when out around people, to help kill bugs I might pick up. Essential Oil blends are a must to help you breathe and clean up the air. Use them in a diffuser and topically on your chest, neck, and bottoms of the feet.

3.     Headache & Fever – Don’t use typical over the counter NSAIDS! Even the traditional medical doctors are saying this. I have heard that coronavirus headache and fever is NO FUN, but try natural methods for relief, which won’t interfere with a fever’s work in the body. I would use Relief Formula from Nature’s Sunshine, Formula 303, and also magnesium to help be more comfortable. Peppermint essential oil always helps my headaches, rub lightly on the forehead. STAY HYDRATED! Electrolytes are good to have too: Ionic minerals or Cell Food. See my website blog about fevers https://www.healthylife-solutions.com/blog/2020/4/1/lets-talk-about-fevers


Everything I have read, says that it is very important to try to help your body fight the virus while it is in the Head…Sinuses and Throat. Once it gets down into the lungs, the virus is very difficult to fight. So PAY ATTENTION to that sinus, allergy, sore throat, headache, & FEVER! This is the early stage – fight HARD. What if it isn’t the virus? Just allergies or a cold? So what…it won’t hurt to fight it hard just in case it is the virus. Why do you think they have us staying home? Because early symptoms don’t seem that bad, and we would go out and infect everyone else. So take care of yourself and don’t let it progress down into the lungs!

1.     Sore Throat & Cough – Now you need to really PAY ATTENTION! The body is fighting hard, do everything you can to support the fight. I have several homeopathic cough formulas that might bring relief. Remember, you want the body to cough up the phlegm, not to let it stay inside those lungs. Mullein, fenugreek, fennel, marshmallow and lobelia are a few helpful herbs to consider. I love to use Tei-Fu essential oil blend. It feels so good rubbed on the chest, neck, and glands. It seems to help you breathe, and I use it at night any time that I am fighting a respiratory sickness. You can gargle with warm salt water and colloidal silver. Don’t worry about food if you are not hungry, maybe just some chicken broth. Consider eliminating dairy or wheat, anything that causes more mucous. Do worry about drinking lots of warm liquids, stay hydrated!

2.     Lung Support – This seems to be our last line of defense and prevention. Our goal is to prevent it from infecting the lungs! Personally, I would start on a lung support formula whenever the cough begins. No messing around! Herbs work best if used early on in a sickness. I have found four formulas to help: Lung Support (a Traditional Chinese Herbal medicine formula), BosMed + Frankincense Oil, Dr. Christopher’s Lung & Bronchial, and Lung Cleanse & Defend formula. These are on order and should be coming in this week…get them early, so you are prepared.

Remember, that not everyone who gets the virus, ends up in the hospital. They will really be encouraging us to fight it at home – So, Be Prepared and have some tools in your box to fight with. Most of these herbs and supplements may be taken along with anything your doctor might prescribe by phone, so don’t be afraid to fight this virus with everything you’ve got.


Joshua 1:9. “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”


Lisa Purdy, ND, MH

Healthy Life Solutions