Herbs for Anxious Times

Good Morning, Sunshine! During this anxious time of waiting, the sunshine does make everything feel better. Please do get outside, even if just for a minute, and soak it in. I was able to do a bit of yard work yesterday. It is so therapeutic to get your hands into the dirt in the springtime, raking leaves, listening to the birds singing – spring is here! I think the idea of spring bringing us new life will have a deeper meaning this year, as we consider all for which we are grateful.

Yesterday, my son was in my thoughts. He lives in California, in the epicenter of this epidemic. He has been on “safe at home” lockdown for 3 weeks now. I hadn’t heard from him for a while and the wheels of worry started turning in my mind. I texted, no response. Again, another text, more insistent this time, “I am worried, contact me”. A call within minutes! Yes, he is safe, just busy working from home. Such relief!


I imagine situations like this are happening for you too. Our minds can run away from us, we have to reign them in, and remain calm. For many of us this is a good time to renew a spiritual practice, remember our faith, trust, and gratitude.


Today, I want to share some of the herbal supplements that we can use to help us, when those anxious thoughts are too much. Please don’t be embarrassed to ask for help, we need each other more than ever just now. Herbs can provide gentle, non-addictive help, so you can handle life with more confidence and joy.


My favorite right now is AnxioCalm, from Terry Naturally. It is made from a special strain of Echinacea found in Europe. We think of Echinacea for immune support, and it usually is, but this extract helps us to manage anxiety, stressnervous tension, and restless sleep. I take two tablets under my tongue and feel relief within 10 minutes! I also like that you don’t have to take it all the time, only when you need it. Echinacea does have a distinctive quality of a numbing sensation in the mouth, so don’t be surprised by it. A quick drink of water takes that away. This product is safe for children and pets as well, so a good choice for the whole family.


Chamomile and Valerian root are well-known herbs, used to help calm and relax us during times of stress. These are commonly taken in teas and can be helpful to drink before going to bed. One of my favorites is Cup of Calm, from Traditional Medicinals.


Passionflower is another favorite nervine herb. It is in Herbal Sleep, from Nature’s Sunshine. Passionflower relaxes the muscles and the mind. It helps with those thoughts that “go around and around” and just won’t shut up. Passionflower has a tonic quality on your nerves, so that the longer you take it, the better you can handle things. So, it is one to take on a regular basis for best results.


The last remedy, I want to share today is Rescue Remedy, a homeopathic preparation of five flowers, created by Nelson Bach. Rescue Remedy works quickly to give you immediate relief. It is excellent for disaster situations, accidents, or for feelings of panic. Read more here - https://www.healthylife-solutions.com/blog/2017/2/9/anxious-try-rescue-remedy


My dear friend, please don’t hesitate to call if you are feeling overwhelmed. We have many tools in our tool box, and I would be happy to help you find the right one for you.