Release Your Fears

Are you afraid? What are you afraid of? As I speak with my friends and customers, I find that fear is a common emotion right now. We are venturing out into the world after the coronavirus. Many of us have been stuck in our homes for months. Many of us haven’t been into a store or restaurant, and now we are daring to venture out. Fear is sometimes a good emotion, it makes us protect ourselves and our family. Fear can also become a harsh master, keeping you from living a full and happy life. How do we find the balance, how do we find a healthy amount of fear, without it running our life?

As a social people, we tend to look to others for what is a healthy social normal. Is everyone wearing a mask? Then I will too. Is it ok to go out, if we stay 6 feet apart? Ok, I can do that. We look to others to show us what is safe. We are part of a “herd”, we just need to remember that the herd can be misled. I operate on a simple principle. 1. Evaluate the facts of a situation the best I can, with what knowledge I have available. 2. Make a decision and move forward. Just DO it, don’t keep worrying about it. 3. So then, what if the fear doesn’t go away? Time will help us heal. But I like to be proactive and use a flower remedy or essential oil blend to help me conquer the fear and let it go.

Did you know that feelings of fear can be buried deep into your body?

Any time we feel strong emotion, a chemical is created in our body. That chemical is sometimes stored in various organs and may create problems later. Some areas fear might be stored are listed here (Taken from the book, Feelings, Buried Alive Never Die, by Karol Truman):

Allergies – fear of sharing feelings with people

Ankles – fear of falling or failing

Bowels – Fear of displeasing a loved one, of releasing the old that is no longer useful, or of not having ample means

Diarrhea or fainting – fear of something in the present

Eyes – fearing the future…not wanting to see life as it is

Feet – fear of stepping forward in life, fear of the future

Flu – Fearing the worst

Hands – fearing new ideas, or a lack of opportunity, or fear of appearing incompetent or foolish

Hips – fear of making major decisions

Hives – fears that are finally surfacing

Indigestion – fear of losing a job, losing security

Laryngitis – fear of voicing opinions

Leg problems – fear of moving ahead with life, fear of change

Respiratory problems – fear of living life to the fullest

Thyroid – fear of self-expression

My hope is that by reading some of these descriptions you might recognize fear, stored in its physical form, and be able to kick it out! I just found a fantastic essential oil blend specific to this purpose. I am using it daily and seeing results. The recipe for this essential oil blend is in the book, I Am Fabulous, by Desiree Mangandog.

Release Your Fears (Lisa’s version)

Cardamom, 8 drops – helps you see a bigger picture and have a different perspective, so the thing that scared you isn’t frightening anymore

Juniper Berry, 12 drops – brings fears out of hiding and helps you to release it

Lemon, 4 drops – cleanses out fears and purifies low vibrational energy

Basil, 2 drops – being afraid is exhausting, basil brings your vitality back

Lime, 2 drops – brings out the inner warrior and makes you triumphant

Cinnamon, 1 drop – empowers you to stand in your own power

Cedarwood, 3 drops – strengthens the lungs and improves breathing, increasing oxygen to the brain, reducing anxiety and increasing feelings of calm.

Place essential oil drops in a roller bottle and add coconut oil to fill. Apply to back of neck, low back and inside of wrists twice a day for two weeks.

Don’t let fear have free reign over your life!

Stop by the shop and make this essential oil blend to kick that fear to the curb and live the life you were created to live. Great for use with children as well. Let’s be proactive and take care of ourselves and each other. Release your fear today.