Do You Need A Flower Remedy?


Are you feeling out of sorts? Do you need to find some balance in your emotions? There is SO much going on in our world right now! It is common to feel anxious and fearful of what the future holds. As prevalent as this feeling may be, it isn’t comfortable, and most of us want to get back our balance and the feeling of normal. How do we accomplish finding that inner peace in the midst of chaos?


First and foremost, I encourage you to look to your spiritual health. Take time to pray and meditate. Find someone to talk to, maybe at your church, yoga class, or just one friend to share your heart with during these difficult times. Don’t hesitate to reach out, as they probably need someone too.



Did you know that there are certain herbal/homeopathic remedies that can actually work on that deeper spiritual/emotional plane? Flower remedies were discovered by Dr. Nelson Bach in 1936, after his observation that his patient’s attitude had more to do with their healing than any of his treatments. He noted that if you can restore balance and reduce negativity in their mental outlook, the patient can recover.


Flower remedies may ease emotions such as anger, fear, anxiety, or depression, bringing forth the well-being of the person. They work to alter a person’s attitude towards life; restoring a positive outlook. Each time the remedy is taken, the negative emotions are reduced until balance is restored. Bach flowers may give you more confidence, courage, endurance, self-reliance, more will-power, tolerance of others, and hope for the future.


Don’t let negative emotions rule your life! Find balance with the help of simple flower remedies. How? First, stop by the shop to pick up your assessment form. Simply answer the questions, which will point to the flowers you need. Return it to me and I will put together a personalized formula for you! These flower remedies are very safe, and do not interfere with any medications. You can find relief from these negative thoughts and feelings. You can have balance in the midst of the storm. It is ok to ask for help. We all need each other!