3 Simple Ways To Detox

It is a new year and most of us are trying to return to better eating and health habits after the indulgence of the holidays. It is always predictable to see several clients come in with candida overgrowth, urinary tract infections, or respiratory infections this time of year. Simple cause – too much sugar! Those nasty bacteria love it and thrive on it! So today, I want to share some simple ways to detox.

1.     Lemon water – so easy to add a slice of lemon to your water in between meals. It helps to make the body more alkaline, whereas sugar makes the body more acidic. Bacteria and cancer love an acid environment, so let’s make sure they don’t enjoy their home and move elsewhere!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               You can step it up a bit by adding a drop of lemon essential oil to your water. Make sure your lemon oil is labeled for internal use. Lemon oil helps to detoxify the liver, kidneys, gut, and lymphatic system. Lemon oil can also assist us in cleaning up our negative thinking, helping us deal with anger, fear, confusion, and darkness. Allow lemon oil to help “take out the trash” of negative emotions and make us clean again.


1.     Daily Detox – an herbal combination that may be taken daily to rid the body of toxins which cause imbalances in the body. This formula includes: dandelion, milk thistle, and yellow dock which all help to strengthen and protect the liver from toxins and pollutants. Black walnut extract is useful as an antibacterial, antiviral, antiparasitic and fungicide. Gotu kola boost the adrenal and immune systems and is useful for urinary tract infections. Ginger and turmeric and anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, cleansing to the kidneys and bowels. Daily detox includes a blend of enzymes to breakdown the “leftovers” in our system and move them out of the body. May use from 1 to 6 capsules per day, as desired, for a gentle and effective daily cleanse.


1.     Chinese Tiao He Cleanse – brings the body into harmony by detoxifying the colon, kidneys, and liver. This detox combines western and Chinese herbs in an easy to take package of capsules, taken twice a day for 15 days. Grab and go convenience with an effective way to detox. Each packet contains: Chinese Liver Balance, All Cell Detox, LBS II, Psyllium hulls, Burdock root, and Black Walnut concentrate. We have detailed information on each of these at the store, so stop in for a copy. I recommend doing this cleanse once or twice a year. We are ALL toxic, chemicals in our environment and food are abundant. We are surrounded by toxins! Don’t kid yourself into thinking that YOU don’t need to cleanse – we ALL do! So, when was the last time you gave your body that tune-up? Don’t keep putting it off - do it today.


We are here at Healthy Life Solutions to support you thru the detoxification process. Achieve balance, energy, and less stress by eliminating toxins.

Let us know how we can assist you.