Fireworks and Pets Don't Mix

Has it begun at your house yet? You know, the loud noise of fireworks going off at all times of the night! I love to watch them on the 4th, but the rest of the week, not so much, as the noise just gets annoying. But my pets really don’t like them at all! The cat hides in the basement, and my dog goes under the bed. Pets can show stress in different ways. Some dogs quietly shake or pant, but chewing, barking, or defecating indoors can also be signs of distress.



We have 3 products at the store which can help your pets be a little less anxious, during this frightening time.

Rescue Remedy  – is a combination of 5 flower remedies which work quickly to help in anxious situations. It is wonderful to use in any first aid, accident, injury, or disaster situation. Rescue Remedy has formulas specifically labeled for adults, children, or pets. Safe, with no interactions, or side effects. It has been useful for pets who have been rescued, to help calm and soothe them. I use a dropper in my pet’s water daily, for the whole week around the 4thof July. You can also place 4 drops in the mouth or on a treat to have a more direct effect.


Calming Formula,Terry Naturally– helps dogs manage stress. Whether it is a trip to the vet or groomer, separation, loud noises, kenneling, or a change to the daily routine, Calming formula is a solution to help keep your dog calm and relaxed. Calming Formula features a specific species of Echinacea, which contains key compounds for mood and relaxation, in a chewable tablet form.


PetRelaxant, NOW products – is formulated to promote relaxation and contentment during changes to your pet’s daily routine, which can include separation, travel, motion sickness or tension. The labeling is not as specific to loud noises, but I give it daily during this “fireworks” week, just to help take the edge off. I always leave this supplement with my dog’s caretaker, whenever I go out of town for a few days. It is a chewable tablet with a meaty flavor that my dog enjoys like a treat, so it is easy to drop it right into his food dish.


  If your pet suffers a lot of anxiety symptoms, I might even use all three products! Daily Rescue Remedy in the water dish, daily Pet Relaxant for overall calming, and then Calming Formula for those specific times when the fireworks are going to be happening.

 Be prepared with something to help the pet you love!

Happy 4th of July!!!


*Please note that the store will be CLOSED on the 4th to celebrate with friends and family.