Make Your Own Coffee Scrub

Make Your Own Coffee Scrub 


½ cup coffee grounds

½ cup sea salt

¾ cup fractionated coconut oil – enough to cover

20 drops coffee essential oil


Mix together and use to rub on non-sensitive areas of the body in a circular motion, and then rinse off in the shower. Excellent for areas of cellulite, stored fat, dry skin, and on sore muscles or joints. May be stored in a jar for up to a month.

I love to use this scrub in the shower. It makes you feel vibrant and ready for the day. I find it improves the look of my skin, reducing cellulite, wrinkles, and age spots. It is excellent for sore muscles and aching joints, increasing circulation to the area.

Sea salt is very healing and cleansing. It helps to rid you of negative energy that you may have picked up during the day. So it is useful for those who work with the general public, or do hands-on therapy.

Wonderfully moisturizing for the skin, coconut oil is antibacterial and antifungal.

 Coffee essential oil reduces free radical damage, improves mood, reduces fever, stimulates appetite, protects the immune system, aids respiratory health, has anti-aging qualities, reduces nausea, stimulates relaxation, reduces inflammation, and soothes allergic reactions. Coffee essential oil is abundant with antioxidants which help to reduce oxidative stress in the skin, increasing blood flow to those cells. It can help to prevent infections, the appearance of wrinkles, age spots and blemishes, while improving the elasticity of the skin. In addition, coffee oil contains concentrations of both linoleic and oleic acid, which lower your risk of cancer. 

*Cautions – Do not use if you are allergic to coffee, coconut oil, or salt. It is not recommended during pregnancy or for use with small children, due to its stimulating qualities.


We have all of the ingredients you need to make this scrub at Healthy Life Solutions.

Stop by and see us! 740-689-1111