Healthy Life Solutions

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I Couldn't Sleep Last Night!

I just couldn’t sleep last night! You know how it goes…tossing and turning, no position seems comfortable. Finally, sleep a couple of hours, only to awaken from a BAD dream. A trip to the bathroom, a drink of water, trying some music, trying NOT to think anymore! Finally giving up to watch TV until you are tired enough to fall back into bed. If this is your story, I have a suggestion: Try juniper essential oil.


Juniper is known as the Oil of the Night. It helps you surrender to sleep. Great for help with stress, anxiety, and those negative fearful thoughts going on repeat.Helpful for nightmares! Juniper may give you the courage to dream and move forward into the unknown. Clears the mind, helps you to release frustration, disappointment, and criticism. Juniper is a wonderful help to recover from jet lag. Supports detoxification, urination, water retention, and is antiseptic, antispasmodic, and anti-inflammatory.


To use dilute 4 drops juniper essential oil in 1 Tbsp carrier oil and rub on the bottoms of the feet. Safe to use with children for those common night terrors.Avoid use in pregnancy or with a history of kidney disease.


Do you want to learn more about how to use essential oils daily in your life? Join us for our upcoming Essential Oil Class, Saturday, February 24 from 10am – 12pm. Cost is $45. Make blends to take home! Register now at 740-689-1111


Lisa Purdy ND, MH

Healthy Life Solutions