Healthy Life Solutions

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Harvesting Mullein

Hello Friends,

My garden has loved the rain! My mullein plants are taller than me and blooming beautifully. Now is the time to begin harvesting your medicinal herbs. Here are a few instructions to help you.

Mullein leaves are used as medicine for the respiratory system. It is the perfect remedy for mucus draining down the back of the throat. It helps to rid the body of mucus and is gentle enough for children. This herb was my favorite for use during the pandemic. A reliable remedy to always have on hand. Mullein leaves are usually available for retail purchase, however, they are scarce at the moment. Probably due to demand in the past few years. It is always good to know how to grow your own or where to find them wild, just in case they are not available.

I hope this encourages you to go out and find some mullein, harvest it, and make your own herbal medicine. One of summer’s greatest joys is being in the garden, preparing for the next winter. Feel free to call me with questions. Have fun harvesting herbs and making medicine!

Lisa Purdy ND, MH

Healthy Life Solutions
